Labour and Conservative Party Conferences – Brighton and Manchester, 2013

5 Oct 2013 | 2 comments

Coverage of the annual conferences of the Conservative and Labour Parties, starting with the Labour Party in Brighton.
Ed Balls on the ball during the traditional MPs vs Journalists football match, that kicks off the Labour Party’s Conference diary:

Then on to the floor for the presentations and debates.

Ed Miliband and his wife, Justine Thornton, arrive at the conference centre.

Protester Stewart Holmes outside the conference venue.

Ed Miliband steps on to the conference floor.

Alastair Campbell jogging along the seafront wearing a “Hated by the Daily Mail” t-shirt.

The audience applauds after Ed Miliband’s speech.


Ed Miliband hosts a Q&A session.

Then up to Manchester for the preparations ahead of the Conservative Party’s conference:

Security is tight.

A demonstration through the city during the conference:

Philip Hammond and Lord Feldman talk on the conference floor.

Former soldiers heckle Philip Hammond during his speech.

Peter Oborne at a fringe event.

Chancellor George Osborne waits to deliver his speech.

UKIP take part in a debate at Manchester Town Hall.

Theresa May’s shoes are often a talking point.

Conservative Party supporters at a fringe event.

Boris doesn’t need the stairs when he takes to the stage.

Michael Gove waits to take the stage for his speech.

More fringe events.

And, to conclude, the Prime Minister’s speech:

And a few of my tearsheets from the conference:


  1. Elliott Franks

    A marvellous set of well conceived images Joel, some excellent compositions. Your pictures are edgy, innovative, creative they certainly tell the story….a true credit to the profession and ‘Joel Goodman’ is definitely a name to watch in the future.

  2. Eddie Mulholland

    Top work that man. Really pleased you got so much play and enjoyed working with you in Brighton.


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